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Love Marriage Specialist

Love rules the Human’s Heart! Love is on your mind every time and you give utmost importance to your beloved. Not everyone meet with the dream prince or princess. In addition it is not essential that your dream prince/princess make you feel special or the way you want.

Husband wife problems

Match Making Specialist

Horoscope Matching Report or Kundli Match is not just an ordinary report but one of the most important one. It helps you at the most crucial time of your life where even a slightest ignorance of it could land you in a life of sorrows & tensions

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Marriage problem solutions

Marriage is the legal formation of two people with each other with the truth andunderstanding. Marriage has the emotional touch and feeling between husband and wife. In India and across there are many culture and religion, so that belief of the individual are different.

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Numerology is connected to astrology as each number 0-9 is dominated by heavenly body in our Solar system. Numbers plays an important part in our life and also influence on our day to day lives and relationships. Numerology is a simple and universe form of Astrology. Numerology uses numbers as a key to explaining and predicting human behavior. From the moment of birth of a human being or incorporation of an entity, there are a series of numbers related to every stage of life e.g. date of birth, name number, phone number and house number. Numerology numbers are related to material aspects those are visible and as well as spiritual aspects those are invisible or hidden.

Based on experiences in life, people start believing that certain things are lucky to them and they start using these lucky things for their important activities. It could be lucky days, dates, colors, persons or anything. We provide easy to understand Numerology meanings of numbers in our life and things favorable or lucky to use in our daily life. You can benefit from Numerology by knowing about your numbers and their effects.

The Name That Matters

Every name has a number, a meaning and a frequency. The sound effect of name produces certain patterns, expectations and meaning.
First name of person determines his / her personality, desire and thought process and surname indicates personal characteristics and heredity influence of the family. The combination of first and surname that means full name makes the destiny and is the most important one to consider for name meaning.
Your numerology name number determines whether your life is peaceful, successful and full or not. It indicates that the type of people you attract and the quality of person associate with you. It also indicates the nature of the experience you face, the kind of life you spend and opportunity and threats comes in your life.
Numerology numbers from your birth date and name could be different. Birth number is given more importance than Name number and it is advisable in numerology that you choose a name that is in harmony with your birth number except for birth number 4 and 8.

Numerological Name Changes

Since one does not have any control on birth number, it is advisable in numerology that you choose a name that is in harmony with your birth number except for birth number 4 and 8.
You might have observed that many names are spelled differently by adding extra characters to make the name number numerological suitable. This quite common for movie names these days.
The name change has implications in life so if you are considering for a name change, consult a trusted astrologer who can suggest you changes after considering your numbers and birth chart.

Numerology for Business

Numerology is the study of numbers, their combination and their interaction in one’s life. Business Numerology deals with choosing the best name for the business.
It is said, “The World is based on the power of numbers” and business is also all about “numbers”. Business number determines whether you are going up or down in your business. Your business name carries a powerful energy that can create great success. The letters and words that make the name of your business determine the destiny of your business.
By applying the mathematical principle and good number, your business can attract leads, successful conditions, excellent results can touch heights.

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